Lemon Grass Tea
- Lemon grass tea can help fight against free radicals, thus reducing the incidence ofĀ inflammationĀ in the body.
- Lemongrass contains the inflammation–fighting compounds chlorogenic acid, isoorientin, and swertiajaponin.
- Inflammation is a factor in many adverse health conditions, including pain andĀ heart disease. As such, lemongrass tea could be a beneficial drink for people to incorporate into their diet.
Relieving anxiety:
- Many people find sipping hot tea to be relaxing, but lemongrass tea may offer further anxiety-reducing properties.
- According to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, smelling lemongrass may help people with anxiety. Although some people already inhale lemongrass essential oil to relieve stress and anxiety, researchers still need more evidence to be able to confirm this benefit.
Boosting red blood cell levels:
- The results of aĀ 2015 studyĀ suggest that drinking lemongrass tea infusions daily for 30 days can increase hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, and red blood cell count in the body.
- The researchers took blood tests from 105 human subjects at the start, and then at 10 and 30 days into the study. They concluded that drinking lemongrass tea boosts the formation of red blood cells.
- While they did not identify precisely how lemongrass does this, they did suggest that the teaāsĀ antioxidantĀ properties could play a role.
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