Dhamasa Powder

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Dhamasa Powder provides several health advantages. Its medicinal and antioxidant characteristics make it an important medicinal plant that treats a wide range of diseases and disorders. Dhamasa Powder is used to treat a variety of diseases, including cancer, burns, skin lesions. “Suchi booti” is another well-known name for Dhamasa booti.

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Dhamasa Powder

The benefits of Dhamasa Powder are amazing, and it is really good for your health. It also know as fagonia, is a thorny plant from the Zygophyllaceae family that is frequently use as a single herbal remedy in hilly areas for common health issues like fever, skin illnesses, heart ailments, cancer, and hepatitis.

Its provides several health advantages. Its medicinal and antioxidant characteristics make it an important medicinal plant that treats a wide range of diseases and disorders. It is use to treat a variety of diseases, including cancer , burns, and skin lesions. “Suchi booti” is another well-known name for Dhamasa booti.

It contains anti-cancer qualities and is well know for being effective against lung, breast, liver, and anal cancer. It strengthens your heart and preventsĀ heart disordersĀ like heart attacks.

Its eliminates blood clots and purifies your blood. This is useful against blood disorders like thalassemia and can avoid major medical issues including brain hemorrhage It improves overall liver health and keeps liver diseases at bay.

Powder can be used to treat a number of skin conditions, including hyperpigmentation, cysts, smallpox, acne, and pimples. In order to cure neck swelling, it can also be used as a paste.

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